
Supercars has partnered with Entyr to convert end-of-life Dunlop racing tyres into high-quality raw materials used to replace virgin resources in manufacturing.

Entyr Limited received the coveted Innovation Award for its world-leading thermal conversion process for end-of-life tyres at the national 2023 Waste Innovation and Recycling Awards.

The National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO – formally the Australian Road and Research Board) has found that using Entyr’s Carbon Black significantly improves the safety, durability, and lifespan of asphalt.

The results are in – Entyr recycling and products used in creating asphalt, deliver triple bottom line benefits, comprehensive research conducted by RPS from May to August 2022 detail the extensive benefits of Entyr’s innovative processing for a sustainable future.

Entyr Limited’s application to patent its revolutionary thermal desorption reactor process was approved IP Australia in December 2022.